
Dowel pin,Taper pin, Parallel pin, Grooved pin, Spring pin, Split pin, Cotter pin, Linch pin, Bright key, parllel key, Round head rivet

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Dowel pin,Taper pin, Parallel pin, Grooved pin, Spring pin, Split pin, Cotter pin, Linch pin, Bright key, parllel key, Round head rivet

PINS / KEYS / RIVETS products

Taper pin DIN1B, Steel 1-16mm. SUS 1-10mm.

Dowel pin (parallel pin) DIN7, Steel 2-12mm, SUS 1-16 mm.

Dowel pin (parallel pin) hardened class m6, h6 DIN6325

Taper pin with external thread DIN7977 , 5-20 mm.

Taper pin with internal thread DIN7978 A, 6-20 mm.

Parallel pin with internal thread DIN7979D, 5-25 mm.

Grooved pin (parallel) DIN 1470 1.5-8 mm.

Grooved pin (Taper) DIN 1471, 1.5-8 mm.

Round head grooved pin DIN1476, 1.4-6 mm.

Spring-type strength pin DIN 7344 , 1.5-6 mm.

Spring-type strength pin slotted DIN 1481, 1.5- 20mm.

Round head rivet DIN660 / 124
Countersunk head rivet DIN 661

Clevis pin DIN1434 , 4-16 mm.

Split pin ( Cotter pin) DIN94, steel 1-12mm SUS A2, A4

Linch pin , Steel 4.5-11 mm.

Bright key length 1 meter, Steel C45K 3-45mm. SUS A4 4-28mm.

Woodruff key DIN6888 steel class 60, SUS A4

Taper Key with gib head DIN6887
Parallel key DIN6885A, Steel C45K, SUS A4

ฝ่ายขายติดต่อ เอก 0818219172 , อรุณลักษณ์ 0819126715, สุพัฒตรา 0818353359
สำนักงานโทร 027489730-1, 027489800, 027489819 Fax 027489852
ID Line 0818353359
ID Line 0819126715
www.bmpc.co.th, sales@bmpc.co.th, bmpcthai@truemail.co.th

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